
How to remain concerned/activated.

Time has passed and the energy has dissipated. We’ve gone back to our normal life because that’s what we’ve always done.

Time has passed and the energy has dissipated. We’ve gone back to our normal life because that’s what we’ve always done. There’s a slight lingering sadness being back in a rut.

The first thing that I miss is the interaction and the energy that committed people bring to any gathering. The intensity has its own power and though we talk about the same old ingrained hopes and fears, the atmosphere was sometimes akin to a religious revival meeting with the audience involved and supporting the speaker. A wonderful momentum could be generated by each new speech and point of view.

Mainstream media is again back on the leash as their preferred party is in ‘power’. The government will continue to act in a way that a majority of Australians disagree with and be left to go about their tawdry business by the sycophantic media. How normal and tiresome. What a pathetic approach to such extraordinary circumstances both domestically and internationally. A time when, with only a tiny lifting of the curtain, so much overt and covert control can be seen to be acting and controlling our institutions but even worse, controlling the minds of the people. The control is so deep and pervasive that the people view it as being the optimal way to keep the ‘dangerous’ world at bay.

The game is rigged and the means of unearthing and disseminating opaque truths made so difficult that the lengthy effort is not worth it, and even worse, if they could be proved then the world would not have the wherewithal to take them in and react to change them.

What should be done? Making life as enjoyable and connected looks to be the best method of maintaining equilibrium and prospering. These people and their juggernauts can be taken down. We have the man-power but not yet the will-power. It’s a matter of time and perseverance and can indeed be done. What better thing is there to accomplish?